Fragrance has many names such as : Perfume, Parfum, Eau de parfum, Eau de toilette.
That can be confusing. Celà peut être perturbant.
In facts those different terms refer to different concentrations of fragrance oils.
En fait, ces différentes appelations existent selon la concentration du parfum.
Historically, France is the biggest exporter of fragrance, particularly in the Occitane region. French terms are still used today. Les termes Français sont toujours d’usage. There is no difference between perfume and parfum. The most important is to not be confused between parfum/perfume and eau de parfum, which is a different product. Le plus important est de ne pas confondre parfum/perfume et eau de parfum qui est un produit différent.
Beagle and Bagel are nice and sweet but not like a hot dog.
Definition :
/ˈbeɪɡ(ə)l/. A Bagel is a kind of burger bread.
/ˈbiːɡ(ə)l/. A Beagle is a kind of dog.
If you want to say « Bagel » avoid to say « Beagle » !
Si vous voulez dire » Bagel » évitez de dire « Beagle » !
Because a Hot dog isn’t a hot beagle.
Plus beagles love hot dogs !
If you struggle to say « bagel », you can paraphrase by saying « a burger with a hole » =)
Si vous avez des difficultés à dire « bagel », vous pouvez dire « a burger with a hole »
Are you ready to go to IN-N-OUT with your beagle to get a bagel ?
Let me know in the comments !